Oh My...

Time has flown and this time next week, I will be in beautiful FLORIDA!  But there is plenty to get finished here before that day comes.  This week is finals week-- so imagine me sitting on my couch for 6 straight hours yesterday with biology books, political science essays, and human development reviews and that about describes my weekend.  The goal for me is to finish all my finals by Wednesday and then use the rest of the week to clean and pack before I fly home.

Christmas is coming and we have decorated my apartment!  I gift wrapped the cabinet doors, put up a tree and lights, and even strung some tinsel from the ceiling.  I made my first ever batch of Christmas cookies all by myself, and I must say they turned out really good!

Tomorrow night, my home evening group is having a Secret Santa gift exchange, and I'm super excited about it.  I love that feeling when you come up with the perfect Christmas gift.  It makes you happy, it makes them happy.... its awesome :)

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