A Desperate Need of Butterflies and Ballerinas

OK, this week finds me in desperate need of butterflies and ballerinas.  Here is the To Do List:

1.  Brother's birthday....YAY!
2.  Cecil B. DeMille - the culmination of a whole semester's worth of research and writing, due Thursday at 5.
3.  Book Review of The World Turned Upside Down by Christopher Hill, due Wednesday at 11.
4.  Take Home portion of History 201 - 2 pages single spaced, due Thursday at 9:30.
5.  12 hours of work for BYU Freshman Mentoring
6.  Eating....at some point
7.  Sleeping..............maybe
8.  A trip to the Temple
9.  Studying for finals!!!!!
10.  New Testament Quiz

That about covers it, wish me luck!

1 comment

  1. Holy cow....jump right in, nothing like being super duper busy! Love ya!


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