Mr. Potter

I might have a bit of an obsession with Harry Potter.

My sister and I used to listen to them on CD in our bedroom constantly, so that now when I read the books, I can hear Jim Dale's voice in my head.

I've played the computer game (note: the level trying to get Norbert to the tower is SUPER hard), seen every movie (obviously), and even donated blood once just to get a free Harry Potter t-shirt.  I almost fainted, but it was worth it.  Harry Potter World is still on the to-do list, but I've got pretty much everything else covered.

I've always thought this talent was a bit silly, but you'd be surprised when you're trivia knowledge can come in handy.  My little brother once called me for help on a Sporcle quiz about Harry Potter.  We played Harry Potter Mafia at FHE on Monday, and we ensured the authenticity of the events.  And one time, it helped me answer Final Jeopardy.

Even typing this now, I'm getting excited.  Read it.  Love it.  Life's better when you do.

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1 comment

  1. I still hate playing Quidditch as required with some of the computer games and think of Jim Dale's talents every time I read too. And, Harry Potter Year One Trivial Pursuit is awaiting your return!


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