Good Days, Bad Days

Sometimes you're really bad at life.

You ruin a cake.
You cry about it for at least the next 20 minutes.
You come dangerously close to running out of gas.
You don't clean your room for three weeks.
A button comes off your shirt.
You leave your sunglasses in your hot car, so they burn you when you put them on.


Sometimes you're really good at life.

You get on the Metro all by yourself.
You get a Library of Congress reading card.
You wear denim-on-denim and get a compliment on it.
You cry in front of the flag that flew over Fort McHenry.
You do your laundry and nothing is ruined.
You visit Arlington National Cemetary.
You go out for dessert 3 nights in a row.


And sometimes, you do a little bit of both on the same day.

image via Blanca Gomez


  1. I love this! You rock. Hope DC is great!

  2. I love visiting Ft McHenry! Do they still play the National Anthem at the end of the tour? Uncle Craig happened to be in DC one time when we went with our family, and we all sang along. The tour guide said we sounded like the Tabernacle Choir. It was so fun! Glad your visit was meaningful to you.


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