It's kind of amazing that no matter how much I have to do and things to think about, I can almost always find a way to be happy. I took this picture out the library window yesterday while studying, because I couldn't get enough sunshine. Here are some of the other things that have contributed to my joy.

SPRING. I cannot express quite how happy I am to be wearing a light jacket, and exposing my ankles. (My ankles might be my favorite part of my body. They're adorable).

I'm addicted to wearing dresses and skirts. Planning to live in them this summer. SO COMFY.

I'm scraping the bottom of my perfume bottle, and it feels a bit like losing a friend. However, this also means perfume shopping soon, and that is always a wonderful experience.

Chicken salad sandwiches.

I've started a gratitude journal again. I used to keep one in high school, and I'm remembering why I used to like it so much.

Music! This song by Skinny Living, which actually lands on iTunes today, has been playing quite a bit. Also James Bay. I cannot get enough of James Bay. And Kodaline. And Lord Huron. Gotta get it in before summertime, when all I want is country.

Today, I'm going to see the cherry blossoms. Probably gonna be the highlight of the week.

Freshly changed light bulbs.

General Conference. It's always good, but this past weekend was particularly powerful. I'm so grateful for my Savior.

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