The Definitive Ranking of La Croix Flavors

I've become a sparkling water drinker. It started easily enough at work, where everyone else has a soda of choice and I'm not much of a soda fan so I grabbed the La Croix. Now, many months later, I'm a regular and have strong opinons about which ones I like the best. So, even though no on else will care about this ever, here's the ranking from worst to best of the 9 flavors I've tried.

Worst is Coconut, by far. It is like drinking really fizzy sunscreen; no one should drink it. Also the can is an ugly brown color. 0/10

Slightly better but not much is Peach-Pear. Neither peach or pear is present in this drink. But the can is rose gold so that's cute. 2/10

So starts the citrus flavors! I typically love lemon-flavored things, but the Lemon La Croix is underwhelming. Big fan of the yellow can, and while I can drink this, it's not nearly my top choice. 4/10

Orange is also underwhelming. Not much else to say. 5/10

Tangerine is decent. I like to throw this in the regular rotation. 6/10

I love the purple can of Black Razzberry, and th

Lime is a solid choice, and this is what I drink the most often since it's most readily available. It's got a nice citrusy zing. 7/10

Pamplemousse (grapefruit) was my favorite for ages and only recently edged out for the top slot. It tastes delicious and that pink and peach can is the prettiest. 9/10

I'm newly obsessed with the Razz-Cranberry. It smells so good, tastes to good, and the can is pink. It's perfect. It'll be hard to beat. 10/10

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